This week on the Blog we meet Michael. Currently our only Male Teacher. Michael Teaches Radiant Light Yoga on a Wednesday at 730pm here at Yoga Sol in Ferny Hills. You can also catch Michael at Clayfield Yoga.
Michael we know you are currently on a Meditation course in the States. Could you tell us a bit about this?
I am currently undertaking a two year Meditation Teacher Training course with Lorin Roche, the author of The Radiance Sutras. a beautifully poetic translation of the Sanskrit text the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. This text is a conversation between Shiva and Shakti, the male and female aspects of divinity, during which Shiva describes 112 different pathways or doorways into a connection with our inner self.
Lorin has been studying and teaching meditation for 48 years and with his wife Camille, has developed an approach to Meditation that is suitable for everyone.
Natural, instinctive and available to people living a life of intimacy. Our instincts, desires and sensations are treasured and welcomed as opposed to what might be called a monastic view of meditation of detachment and suppression.
I am bringing an increased focus into the felt experience of the Yoga practice. The sensations in the body, emotions that arise and of course a strong focus on connecting with our heart.
Though I don’t focus on these, this is what natural occurs for people who life a life in the world.. no sitting there telling the mind to be quiet, or to be still, just going into the practice with a technique, then allowing whatever comes with a sense of wonder and curiosity.
I think I see more beauty in the world, in people, in nature but I would be crazy to think I have found a perfect expression of anything.
I practice for maybe 30 minutes morning and afternoon, however even 5 minutes is beneficial. People coming to my classes have heard me say… just one breath, that’s all you need, just one breath. Once you have a practice that works for you, just a few seconds can bring amazing benefits… a reset to your day can take just a moment.
Come spend an hour or two with me, find what works just for you. As part of my teacher training I am currently looking for people who would like to learn to meditate, or try a different style if they already are.Meditation is a natural state, we only need to give ourselves a few minutes a day and the benefits of a richer, fuller life are there available to us.