What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness based on the body’s ability to heal itself given the right conditions. Naturopathy is based on treating the person as a whole through nutrition, herbs and lifestyle.
The 6 fundamental principles of Naturopathic Medicine which I practice:
- The healing Power of Nature – Trust in the body inherent nature to heal itself.
- Identify and Treat the Causes – Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.
- First do No Harm – Utilise the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
- Doctor as Teacher – Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining
- Treat the Whole Person – View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions
- Preventions – Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention
Why naturopathy?
Herbal medicine is amazing…….when given in the correct form and dosage herbal medicines are powerful, highly effective and safe. I love that I can make an individualised herbal formula for client’s treatment and seeing the results.
I believe in prevention of disease through healthy eating and regular exercise. When we are leading an 80/20% lifestyle (80% healthy and 20% foods and drinks in moderation) we start to feel better and are happy within ourselves.
Best of all I love helping people feel better about themselves by educating them on how to achieve overall improvement on their health and wellbeing.
What brought you to work as an Naturopath?
I have always had a passion for food but it wasn’t until my late 20’s I realized how important healthy eating was. I began to educate myself on using food as medicine to help manage my own medical conditions. After achieving great results, I gained a thirst for knowledge and enrolled at Australian Institute of Applied Science to become a Nutritionist, whilst there I was introduced to herbal medicine and there began my passion for herbal medicine. Armed with the knowledge that herbal medicine can make a huge difference when treating clients, I decided to become a Naturopath and I have not looked back.
Is there a specific area of health that you have a passion for?
My passion in Naturopathy (apart from food) is helping others with Stress and Anxiety. I personally have dealt with anxiety and it is something I will have to manage for the rest of my life. Different situations or in times of stress can accelerate my anxiety but I’m now equipped with the right tools to help me deal with this.
Stress and anxiety is something we all have to deal with at some point in our lives and it can vary dramatically between individuals. It is important to not underestimate the impact that stress can have on our physical and mental wellbeing. Chronic stress affects every system in the body and if left untreated can increase the risk of potential health consequences.
As a Naturopath I am blessed to work with nutritional and herbal medicine which can greatly benefit those with anxiety or stress. Once Stress and anxiety is under control it will have a flow on effect such as:
- Improved mental wellbeing and mood
- Enhanced sleeping patterns
- Increased energy levels
- Improved health on digestive function, cardiovascular function (heart rate and blood pressure) and balancing your hormones.
3 Greatest dietary Tips for improving sleep and Stress levels.
- Eat a healthy diet ensuring you are getting enough nutrients and minerals to help your body manage stress.
- Sleep and stress are very interrelated – Stress can cause sleep problems and lack of sleep can exacerbate stress. It is important to get quality sleep help our body renew and repair, without this we can become lethargic and it affects our whole body. Best advice is to establish a night time sleep routine to assist with your sleep onset and avoid caffeinated products from the afternoon onwards.
- Practice breathing techniques for when stressed – Yoga and meditation is great for this.
3 Greatest Tips for improving our immunity through the flu season.
Eat a well balanced wholefood diet that includes these immune building foods. Think soups, stews, casseroles and bone broth. Be creative and add them to other meals you cook regularly.
- Eat Mushrooms – Mushrooms in particular shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms appear to give the biggest immunity boost. Studies show an increase in white blood cell activity which helps fight infection. Mushroom are also rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and other minerals.
- Garlic – Garlic is fantastic for your immune system as it an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Virus, bacteria and fungus cannot build up resistance to garlic unlike some antibiotics.
- Fresh fruit and vegetables high in vitamin C – Kiwi fruit, berries, citrus fruits, dark leafy green vegetables, pineapples, papaya and tomato.
As a Naturopath I have access to an amazing range of professional liquid herbs, probiotics and nutritional products that can really help boost your immune system for this winter.
How do we book an appointment with you and what should we expect to happen within our appointment time?
You can book an appointment through my website. Here is the link https://www.happyhealthyliving.net.au/book-online alternatively you can call me directly on 0405 148 343.
What to Expect:
You should allow between 1hr to 1.5hrs for your initial consult. During this time a detailed health history will be taken. We will also discuss various body systems which enables us to get a complete picture of what is happening in your body so we can individualise a treatment plan for you
All consults are individualised and therefore may include:
- Iridology
- Tongue and nail analysis
- Blood pressure assessment
- Zinc talley test
- pH urine test
- *Additional pathology tests may be required and are an extra cost.
Treatment Plan:
Your individualised treatment plan will include specific dietary advice, lifestyle recommendations and suggested nutrients and herbal medicine (if required) to help improve your health.
As your Naturopath, I will be there to support, guide and educate you on becoming the very best version of you.
Can we claim with our health insurance?
Yes, consultation fees are claimable through most private health funds. Please check with your provider.